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IdioticShadow • 1 year ago

My best friend tell me the story👉👉:

Anonymous User • 1 year ago

I like how she doesn't acknowledge the existence of a time machine...
She must really prefer this life all things considered 🤔

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Man that alien cat reminds of that Fruracken alien from Captain Marvel and Parasite the Maxim (⓿_⓿)

Golb89 • 1 year ago

Or the Forest Guardian from "Fantasy Knockout"...

Golb89 • 1 year ago

Guess that alien guy couldn't afford a DeLorean.

(Or maybe there were no DeLoreans left after the end of the world)

wwlaos • 1 year ago

Or he just prefers the rural Japanese farmer aesthetic.

JenifryConan • 1 year ago

Kapan up nya nih

HAM009 • 1 year ago

Solo megaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nos estan quitando el anime compas

DemiSe Skull • 1 year ago

Please bite me too! I want to be healthier.

Lmao they actually refrenced the painting restoration botch up of 2012